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TOKEN     : English7

Mata Pelajaran     : B.Inggris
Kelas/Semester    : VII (Tujuh)
Hari/Tanggal        :
Waktu                   : -
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PetunjukUmum :
1.    Nama peserta pada lembar jawaban.
2.    Periksa dan bacalah soal – soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
3.    Dahulukan menjawab soal – soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
4.    Kerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan.
5.    Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir soal pilihan ganda.
6.    Silangkan kotak pada lembar jawaban yang Anda anggap benar dengan menggunakan pulpen.
7.    Apabila ada jawaban yang Anda anggap salah maka hapuslah jawaban yang salah sampai bersih.
8.    Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas tes.

I.    Pilihan Ganda
Silang pada huruf A, B, C atau D yang Anda anggap benar pada lembar jawaban yang telah di sediakan!

Read the text and choose the right answers by crossing a, b, c or d !
The text is for no. 1 to 4
Ricky is the youngest member in my family. He is seventeen years old and four years younger than me. He has short curly hair, fair skill, and he is tall. He is the tallest person in my family. He always helps my father to mow the grass for the cows, he also always helps my mother to clean my house. He is very interested in sports, such as running, football, basketball, and badminton. His sport grades in school are very good. But, he hates studying, so that his grades of other subjects beside sport are not very good.

1. “Ricky is very interested in sports such as running, football, basketball, and badminton.
The bold phrase can be replaced by….
A.    Dislike sport
B.    Really like sport
C.    Hates sport very much
D.    Finds sport not really entertaining.

2. The word “me” refers to…..
A.    Ricky
B.    The writer's brother
C.    The writer
D.    Ricky's family

3. "He always helps my father to mow the grass for the cow, he also always helps my mother to clean my house"
What does this statement mean?
A.    Ricky is lazy
B.    Ricky is smart
C.    Ricky is naughty
D.    Ricky is diligent

4. From the passage we know that, Ricky is ....
A.    The writer's younger brother
B.    The writer's elder sister
C.    The writer's friend
D.    The writer's father

The text is for no. 5 to 6

Jennifer Lopes (or J.Lo) is a highly successful actress, singer, and dancer. Her new films and new albums usually go straight to the top.
What’s a typical working day for her? Making a film is a hard work. She usually gets up at half past five in the morning and she’s always on the film set at half past six. She never drinks coffee and she always has a light lunch of just green salad. She doesn’t like working up late at nights. She is usually in bed half past ten. If she stays out late, she will be too tired in the next morning.
Adam Shankman, a director of one of her films, says ”J.Lo is actually a quiet person. She doesn’t like going out all the time. She often stays at home on Saturday nights and watches video.
If J.Lo isn’t working on a film or making a record, her life style is very different. When she has got time off, she’s quite happy to go out. She loves New York restaurants. She loves dancing. She sometimes dances until three o’clock in the morning!
J. Lo’s family lives in New York. They were very close family. She sees her parents every weekend and she always phones them if she has a problem. She’s got two older sisters and they get on very well together. They are not just her sisters; they are her best friends.

5. What is the main idea of paragraph four?
A.    J. Lo’s typical working day
B.    J. Lo’s family relationship
C.    J. Lo’s lifestyle on her free days
D.    J. Lo’s activities in New York

6. What does J.Lo do when she has a problem?
A.    Sees her parents every weekend
B.    Phones her parents
C.    Meets her two sisters
D.    Goes shopping in New York
The text is for no. 7 to 9
Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.
Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.

7. Which of the following statement is not true about Peter?
A.    He has long and straight hair.
B.    He has bright eyes.
C.    He is not interested in sports.
D.    He plays football and tennis.

8. According to the passage, we know that Peter is ….
A.    The writer’s youngest brother
B.    The writer’s elder brother
C.    A naughty boy
D.    A friendly boy

9. From the text, we may conclude that….
A.    Many people do not like Peter.
B.    People is older that the writer.
C.    Peter is a welcoming person.
D.    Peter is not diligent at all.

The text is for no. 10 to 12

Last week, my friend and I rode our bikes to the beach. It was only five kilometers from our houses. It was quite windy and there was hardly anyone there. It surprised us because there were always many people coming there on the weekends. So, we had the beach on our own. We bought some hot chips, rode our bikes, played in the water and sat under the trees. We really had a great time.

10. How did the writer think about the trip?
A.    It was an unpleasant trip
B.    It was a funny trip
C.    It was a horrible trip
D.    It was a good trip

11. “It was only five kilometers from our houses.” (line 1). The word “It” refers to….
A.    bike
B.    beach
C.    chip
D.    House

12. How did they go to the beach?
A.    by bicycles
B.    by bus
C.    by car
D.    by boat

The text is for no. 13 to 14

Rina is my close friend. She is from Bandung but now she lives in Palembang. She likes staying there, but sometimes complains about the weather. She is cute and pretty. She has a fair complexion with long black hair. She is not that tall
Rina's hobby is singing and writing song lyrics. She can play piano very well. She often asks me to find CD of her favorites songs and then we will listen to the music together. Whenever she finishes composing a song, she always asks me to listen to her playing with her piano. I think most of her songs are beautiful. I am sure she will be a great song writer someday.

13. What is the text about?
A.    Describing the writer's best friend
B.    Describing the weather.
C.    Describing the writer
D.    Rina's characters.

14. The paragraph two informs about Rina's .
A.    character
B.    song
C.    hobby
D.    habit

15. I used to have a beautiful cat named Proudy. She had white fluffy fur and purple eyes and she had a little gray spot on her head and a black spot on her tail, and she also had small legs with very cute paws.
Proudy was a very smart cat too. She knew my …. She would wake me up in the morning, a couple of minutes before my alarm clock rang. She even knew what time I came home.
A.    business
B.    schedule
C.    alarm
D.    plan

16. When I opened the door, she would jump on me … as if she was trying to tell me that she missed me so much. Proudy and I used to have great times together.
A.    quickly
B.    slowly
C.    lazily
D.    wildly

The text is for no. 17 to 19

Yusuf went to Marina circuit in the morning to join a car race. He arrived at seven and directly checked up his engine. The race started at eight. At first he led the race, but it wasn’t long because suddenly another car hit his car from behind. He lost the race and his car was broken. He was very disappointed.

17. Why did Yusuf go to the circuit?
A.    To watch his fiend racing
B.    To check his engine
C.    To join a car race
D.    To hit other cars

18. What was the first thing Yusuf did when he arrived at the circuit?
A.    Losing the race
B.    Starting the race
C.    Leading the race
D.    Checking up his engine

19. Why did Yusuf lose the car race ? It is because ….
A.    he lost his car
B.    he was hit by another car
C.    his car was broken
D.    he was disappointed

20. What time is it now ?

A.    It is twenty four to ten in the morning.
B.    It is twenty four to nine in the morning.
C.    It is twenty four past ten in the morning.
D.    It is twenty four past nine in the morning.

21. What time is it now ?

A.    It is a half past 10 AM
B.    It is a half past 10 PM
C.    It is a half past 11 AM
D.    It is a half past 11 PM

The text is for no. 22 to 24







22. What day is yesterday?
A.    Thursday
B.    Wednesday
C.    Friday
D.    Saturday.

23. What day is the day after tomorrow?
A.    Friday
B.    Saturday
C.    Sunday
D.    Monday

24. What time is it now?
A.    It is twenty five to ten AM
B.    It is twenty five to ten PM
C.    It is twenty five past ten AM
D.    It is twenty five past ten PM

25. If today is Tuesday, what day is the day after tomorrow ?
A.    Monday
B.    Wednesday
C.    Thursday
D.    Friday

26. Karin always …. her brother when he does the homework.
A.    annoying
B.    annoyed
C.    annoy
D.    annoys

27. Adele …. beautiful voice. Everyone is in awe of her voice.
A.    had
B.    having
C.    have
D.    has

28. She always comes on time to school. She is …. late.
A.    never
B.    often
C.    always
D.    seldom

29. Situation: Kirk wants Mary to play tennis with him this evening.
    He says :
A.    Why don't you go to the stadium?
B.    How about a game of tennis before dinner?
C.    You are very fond of playing sports, aren't you?
D.    Mary, are you interested in watching tennis matches?

30. Situation: Dorothy is at the Tourist Information Center.
She wants to get directions to the train station.
She says: ….
A.    How can I get to the train station?
B.    Do you mind taking me to the train station?
C.    Excuse me, have you been to the train station?
D.    Can you show me the train station, please?
The dialogue is for questions number 31 to 32
Elsa          : “What do you think about the new rules of school’s hours? I really don’t like the ideas that I should wake up     earlier than before?
Eko           : “I don’t know what to think about it. I’m still confused with the announcement.

31.  From the dialogue, we know that....
A.   Elsa likes the new rules
B.   Eko is against the new rules
C.   Eko has no opinion on the new rules
D.   Elsa doesn’t understand the announcement

32.   The dialogue above uses the expression of….
A.    Suggestion
B.    Invitation
C.   Opinion
D.   agreement

33. Good night ! I’ll see you …. The morning
A.    in
B.    at
C.    on
D.    from

34. The shops all are closed … June 10th, it is a public holiday
A.    in
B.    at
C.    on
D.    from

35. She didn’t come to work … Tuesday, she was ill.
A.    in
B.    on
C.    at
D.    from

36. Choose the following sentences which expression of Hope
A. I love to have a really nice house
B. I would like to have a nice house
C. I need a nice house
D. I wish I had a nice house

37.  Your friend is sick. Please give him the best wish!
A. congratulation on your sickness
B.  Get Well Soon, my friend
C.  Why are you sick?
D.  Is this hurt you?  

38.  Please choose your best wish when you know that your brother is going to celebrate his    graduation.
A. Have a nice trip!  
B. What a beautiful day
C. Have a great school day my friend
D. Congratulation on your graduation.  

39. Farah : Wow, this picture is so beautiful. It’s great!
    Ida   : Yeah. It’s my sister’s work What does the underlined sentence mean?
A. Giving opinion            
B. Asking permission
C.  Giving compliment            
D.  Getting someone’s attention

40. Andi     : Fredy is very careless. What do you think about that?
    Sanusi   :  … He often forgets where he puts his keys.
A. I cannot feel that it is right
B. I don’t think so
C. I think that’s wrong
D. I think you are right

Text for number 41 - 42

Grandpa’s Birthday
It was my Grandpa’s birthday last Sunday so, on Friday, my sister and I went shopping. We found a nice Batik shirt. We bought it and wrapped it in a blue paper. Blue is my Grandpa’s favorite color.
On Saturday morning, my brother and I were in the kitchen. We made a birthday cake. It was a big and beautiful. I wrote Happy Birthday on it. We put some chocolate on it and a big candle on top of it. On Sunday evening, we had a party. My uncle and my aunt came to my house. They brought some cake and flowers for my Grandpa. We sat together in our living room. My Dad said a beautiful prayer. Then, we sang “Happy Birthday” and my Grandpa blew out the candle. He cut the cake and gave it to everybody in that room. He opened his present and he was very happy with the shirt.
Finally, my grandma told us some stories about my Grandpa.

41. What is the topic of the text?
A. Party
B. Nice Shopping
C. Grandpa’s birthday
D. Weekend in grandpa’s house

42. What did the writer do in the kitchen?
A. Cooked meal
B. Prepared for lunch
C. Roasted a lobster
D. Made a cake

The  text is for number 43 and 44.

Dear Andre,
Do you have any plan for next holiday? Mira and I are going to spend our holiday at grandma's house and our father will drive us to the village. If you want to join us, let us know soon. Remember, last holiday you didn't visit grandma!

43. Why did Randy invite Andre to join them? Because ...
A. Randy and Andre are best friend.
B. Andre doesn't have any plans for holiday.
C. Andre didn't visit grandma last holiday.
D. Randy's father will drive them to the village.

44. From the message we know that ....
A. Andre doesn't want to spend his holiday at the village.
B. father will not spend his holiday at village.
C. Randy will visit his grandmother alone
D. Andre is Mira and Randy's cousin.

45. I am Gina. I have a family. There are father, mother, brother, and sister. My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bayu. My brother is Anto and my sister is Selvi.
Gina's sister is …
A.    Mr. Bayu
B.    Mrs. Bayu
C.    Selvi
D.    Anto

46. I am Gina. I have a family. There are father, mother, brother, and sister. My parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bayu. My brother is Anto and my sister is Selvi.
Anto is Gina's ...
A.    Mother
B.    father
C.    sister
D.    brother

47. Maya …. Candies for her little sister yesterday at that store
A.    bought
B.    buy
C.    is buying
D.    will buy

This text is for number 48 to 50.

Last summer, when mum and dad weren’t feeling well, Tom was taking his dog, Paddy, for a walk. Suddenly there was a rabbit running across the path they were taking. Paddy barked very loud and the scared rabbit ran into the bushes. Although Tom was trying hard to grip the collar, Paddy was running after the rabbit. That was the last time he saw Paddy.
He tried to look for him for days. Finally, five weeks later, when Tom was out for a coffee at Motorway Café, his parents called. They were having lunch when they heard a dog barked outside the house. They hurriedly went out and there was Paddy wiggling his tail.

48. “That was the last time he saw Paddy”  The word he refer to….
A. Father
B. Tom
C. Rabbit
D. Paddy

49. How did Paddy get lost?
A. He was hungry and searched for a food
B. He followed motorbike riders away
C. He saw a rabbit and ran after walk
D. He felt bored and took a walk

50. The text generally talks about….
A. The coming back of the lost dog
B. A long journey of the dog
C. My holiday experience
D. My lovely of the dog

Essay !
1.    Please write a descriptive text about pets

2.    Please create a dialog introducing someone to your best friend

3.    Please write 3 sentences using in, on, at ( preposition of time )

4.    Please write 3 sentences using telling time

5.    Please write 3 sentences using ordinal numbers




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